In an ideal world, you would always be able to find the exact SAP Consultant or Consultants you need just-in-time. We don't live in an ideal world.
SAP Consultants are in constant demand because SAP customers are constantly evolving and improving. That means you are experiencing constant change.
Our Approach
Using our deep SAP consulting expertise, we first work with you to determine exactly what type of SAP Consulting Skillset you will need. We often find customers who don't speak SAPanese, yet use SAP in their day-to-day operation. The challenge you have is that you may not know which type of SAP consultant you need, you just know you have a specific type of problem you are trying to solve. For instance, do you just need a functional SAP module expert, say in SAP SD - Sales and Distribution, or do you also need an ABAP developer, or both.
To answer these types of queries, you need to have access to SAP experts, like those at Detering Consulting, who can first assess your true needs, then diagnose your actual requirement, then prescribe the right SAP consulting skillset.
SAP Assessment is a Powerful Value Added Service
If know you have a problem but don't quite know which of the dozens of SAP consultant types you really need, having us on your team as experts is key to resolving your issue.